Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Rain and Artichokes...

Dear Country Mouse,

I absolutely LOVE the ornament! You should sell those, they would be appreciated by so many people and add a little fun and color to a Christmas tree. Seriously.

I am on a week off from the truck, which you would think would put me in the best mood possible, but instead I am finding myself trying to tie in loose ends, one of which is to apply for passports. Aghh, I am such a procrastinator when it comes to those kind of details. It always feels like a run around when dealing with the DMV or other agencies that process paperwork that has to be so incredibly precise.

As I mentioned last letter, it has been raining everyday. I like it, it adds such a calm to the world. I took the dogs out this morning because there was one of those really bright, high-cloud downpours. I thought we could walk and play in it, but of course it stopped the second I got outside. I did however come across this beast of an artichoke plant. I wish I had caught it in bloom earlier this year—I bet it was magnificent. It's quite a bit bigger then the pictures portray:

Anyway, love you and miss you!

City Mouse

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