Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hello and garden things…

 Dear Country Mouse,

May is already here. May! I cannot believe we have whipped through this year so quickly. At this rate we'll be old ladies in English cottages remembering when… before we can blink and look again.

I've had a few over-tired lazy days where I couldn't get my self going. Mother's Day Weekend took too much out of me and I haven't quite caught up since—I need to learn pacing, although as you struggle with as well, that's hard when you are in the food world and it's busy. You can't very well say "go home, I'm too tired to feed for you!" 

I took a few pictures of the spring growth in my yard, the hollyhocks I planted last year are finely budding. I planted them from seed and they only became tiny plants with no flowers. This year they are much more vigorous. I vaguely remember hearing they are biennials, so this would make sense, although in California I recall them being vigorous every year right from the start. I looked it up and found in some warmer climates they do flower the first year. Ahhh, I am learning this area step-by-step, it is quite exciting finding out what grows and when around here. For example geraniums are annuals unless you take them indoors. Hearty geraniums, I wouldn't have guessed.

Sending hugs and hope to talk soon!

       City Mouse


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dear Country Mouse,

      I drew us a picture:


           City Mouse

P.S. I love your tea party pictures! Every time I am in our local Goodwill I scour for perfect tea cups… Tea parties are my favorite!


Monday, May 4, 2015

Tea with Red

Dear City Mouse,
 I love all your letters. I love the whole premise, of taking troubled kids into the wilderness. I've been involved in a few programs like that. I'll have to tell you more about them later.

We really loved Annalisa's art, it's really unique and inspiring, thank you for sharing. I really must try your recipe, too, it sounds amazing.

Alena has always loved tea parties, since she was a toddler, she's been obsessed with trying to get Rahel to participate. Rahel has no interest in drawing out the eating and drinking with a slow pace and tiny portions.

When Alena was about 7, she made an invitation to a "Tea Potty," and woke Rahel on his Birthday to invite him. Rahel was upset, for having his sleep interrupted, but more angered when he saw the invitation. He mistook  the illustration of him sitting at the table, for a toilette. He grumpily tore up the the childlike drawing, along with Alena's little heart.

Recently, Alena's heart has been shredded up, like those little bits of paper. It's so painful having to witness anyone hurt your kids, and be helpless to stop it.

She mentioned that she would love to have a fancy tea party, and invite some of her girl friends. I told her she was welcome to use my grandmothers tea set. She said she was afraid her teenage friends might break it. I assured her that it would honor my Zadie (grandfather) to let them use the tea set.

My Zadie would hold grand tea parties with me when I was a toddler, using my Bubbie's (grandmother's) fancy tea set.mHe would crawl on the floor with me, and laugh while we sipped the make believe tea, and ate make believe desserts. He was the most gentle and loving man any child could wish for. As I grew older, and began to understand, how uptight my Bubbie could be about her belongings, and everything being clean and presentable, I was quite surprised, that she had tolerated his use of her finest china. There was however, nothing make believe about their love for each other. 

Alena still felt too afraid, for the tea set to enjoy partying with it, so she asked me to buy her a new one.

I'm afraid I may have spent quite a bit more on this tea set, than I had intended to. There's something so intriguing about all the different floral patterns, prints and colors. In a way they remind me of a patchwork quilt.  I must admit that I got a bit carried away, like a child in a candy shop.

I know of all people, you will appreciate the tea set, but more so, the entire party plan. For no reason, other than to indulge her childlike desire, to have a fancy tea party, I'm going to throw a grand event.
We will make quiches and finger sandwiches, fancy desserts and have make believe adventures.

For Alena, the best part is Rahel has agreed he is indebted to her, and will attend. I will however, let him use a regular coffee mug.

These photos are of Alena, with our friend Red, (the blue Scrub Jay), and Freya, our cat, having a make believe tea party. I imagined my Zadie in the seat on the left.

I can't wait till you can join us. 
I love and miss you always,

Country Mouse