Friday, March 17, 2017

A SPIN BIN, or so they say it is called...

Dearest Country Mouse,

I miss you! I feel like every time I look at a flowering bulb you come to mind. Eeks, SPRING IS HERE!!!

So over the last week my mama visited and we got a new bin/storage display container for my work-room. I still haven't even sent you pictures of the work-room but I will soon. Last time you visited it was a carpeted TV room... Now, hurray, it has the old carpet pulled up an the TV is out!

Sam helped me spray paint the bin (they say it is called a spin bin, but I feel like a dork saying it) as it was rather brown and everything in that room is very brown already. It made me think about us spraying the pie sign when you were here and I missed you a little more...
 But, Sam helped, and was good at reminding me to hold my breath. Gosh that stuff is strong!
 And now, voila, here it is!

Hugs and catch up with you soon!

City Mouse

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pi Day

Dearest Country Mouse,

Well HAPPY PI DAY!!!!!!! We celebrated like maniacs at the truck making 13 kinds of pie. THIRTEEN!

The day was grey and rainy, but I was impressed by how many people still came out to eat pie.

 Alright, well I just wanted to send you a few pictures...

Love you!!!

City Mouse